International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology - TRANSBALTICA 2019, Vilna (Lituania). 02-03 mayo 2019
The advantages of application in the transport and loading systems of gripping devices with the integrated functions of control of parameters of objects of transportation were substantiated. Modeling of Bernoulli gripping devices with a possibility of dimensional check and weight objects of manipulation is offered. Modeling of dynamics of course of air flow in step nozzle and in a radial interval between the interacting flat surfaces of Bernoulli gripping devices and object of manipulation is carried out. For modeling based on RANS equation of dynamics of viscous gas, SST-model of turbulence and γ-model of laminar and turbulent transition are used. As a result of numerical modeling in the program Ansys-CFX environment operational characteristics of Bernoulli gripping device and static characteristic of a measuring nozzle are defined.
Palabras clave: Bernoulli gripping device Air gaging Object manipulation Nozzle Radial flow Industrial robot RANS SST-model of turbulence
Publicado en TRANSBALTICA XI: Transportation Science and Technology, pp: 504-510, ISBN: 978-3-030-38665-8
Fecha de publicación: 2019-05-02.
V. Savkiv, R. Mykhailyshyn, F. Duchon, O. Prentkovskis, P. Maruschak, I. Diahovchenko, Analysis of operational characteristics of pneumatic device of industrial robot for gripping and control of parameters of objects of manipulation, International Conference TRANSBALTICA: Transportation Science and Technology - TRANSBALTICA 2019, Vilna (Lituania). 02-03 mayo 2019. En: TRANSBALTICA XI: Transportation Science and Technology: Proceedings of TRANSBALTICA 2019, ISBN: 978-3-030-38665-8